Gestalt Therapy

What is Gestalt Therapy?

Gestalt Therapy is a therapeutic approach focused on the present experience and self-awareness. It is based on the idea that humans have an innate ability for self-regulation and personal growth. The therapy aims to help individuals become aware of their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in the here and now.


Through Gestalt Therapy, the goal is for individuals to become aware of their behavior patterns, identify barriers to their well-being, and find new ways to relate to themselves and others. This therapeutic approach emphasizes personal responsibility and authentic contact with one’s own feelings and needs.

Goals of Gestalt Therapy

The primary goal of Gestalt Therapy is to facilitate self-awareness and personal growth. Specific objectives include:

  • Promoting self-awareness: Helping individuals recognize and accept their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in the present moment.
  • Encouraging personal responsibility: Teaching people to take responsibility for their actions and decisions rather than blaming external factors.
  • Improving communication and relationships: Developing effective communication skills and healthy interpersonal relationships.
  • Resolving internal conflicts: Addressing and resolving internal conflicts that may affect emotional and mental well-being
Terapia Gestalt - Nuestro servicio 2

Our Services

  • Individual Consultation: Personalized sessions to address specific client issues.
  • Family and Couples Therapy: Sessions designed to work on dynamics and conflicts within the family or couple.
  • Group Psychotherapy: Group spaces where common issues among several individuals can be explored and resolved.
  • Experiential Workshops: Practical experiences to live and transform family patterns.

Why Choose Gestalt Therapy at Instituto Antares?

At Instituto Antares, located in Palma de Mallorca, we are committed to integral human development at both individual and family levels. Our integrative approach combines different methodologies and fields of action to provide comprehensive and effective support to our clients.


Our work focuses on creating spaces where our clients can connect with their essence, exploring their deeper qualities and resources. We believe that existence is relational and that we all are part of an interconnected web that gives us meaning. We recognize the importance of family history and socio-cultural context as fundamental parts of our lives.

+20 years of experience

International presence

International presence

International presence

Gestalt Therapy Methodology at Instituto Antares

Preparation and Contextualization:

  • Initial Interview: We begin with an initial interview to understand the client’s concerns and goals. This session helps us gather information about personal history and current dynamics that may be influencing the issue.
  • Defining the Topic: Together with the client, we define the topic or question to be addressed in therapy. This topic may relate to emotional issues, relationships, work, and more.

Exploration and Awareness:

  • Identifying Patterns: We work to identify behavioral and emotional patterns affecting the client in their daily life.
  • Experiencing the Here and Now: We use experiential techniques to explore how the client lives and experiences their emotions and behaviors in the present moment.

Therapeutic Interventions:

  • Role-Playing and Dramatizations: We use role-playing and dramatization techniques to help the client better experience and understand their feelings and reactions.
  • Dialogue and Reflection: We encourage dialogue and reflection to help the client integrate new perceptions and learnings.

Resolution and Closure:

  • Integration of Experience: We assist the client in integrating new insights and understandings into their daily life, fostering positive and lasting change.
  • Action Plan: Together with the client, we develop an action plan to apply new learnings in daily life.

Benefits of Gestalt Therapy at Instituto Antares

  • Self-Awareness and Personal Growth: Fosters self-awareness and personal growth by making unconscious patterns affecting behavior and decisions conscious.
  • Improved Relationships: Helps improve interpersonal relationships by facilitating more authentic and effective communication.
  • Resolution of Internal Conflicts: Addresses and resolves internal conflicts, promoting emotional and mental well-being.
  • Clarity and Direction: Provides clarity and direction in the client’s life, helping them make more conscious and well-aligned decisions.

Do you Have Questions?
We Are Here to Help!

At Instituto Antares, we are committed to your well-being and personal development. If you have any questions or concerns about our services, workshops, or methods, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to address all your inquiries!