Psychosomatic Medicine

What is Psychosomatic Medicine?

Psychosomatic Medicine is a therapeutic approach that explores the relationship between the mind and body, recognizing how psychological, emotional, and social factors can influence physical health. It is based on the premise that many illnesses and physical symptoms have an underlying emotional or psychological component, and it aims to treat the individual holistically by considering both the physical and emotional aspects of their health.


Through Psychosomatic Medicine, we seek to understand how thoughts, emotions, and life experiences influence the body’s health, helping individuals identify and address the underlying causes of their physical symptoms to achieve a state of holistic well-being.

Objectives of Psychosomatic Medicine

Psychosomatic Medicine focuses on the following key objectives:

  1. Holistic Healing: Promote holistic healing that addresses both the physical and emotional aspects of health.
  2. Stress Reduction: Decrease the impact of stress and anxiety on physical and mental health.
  3. Self-Knowledge and Personal Growth: Foster self-knowledge and personal growth by identifying and addressing psychological factors affecting physical health.
  4. Improvement of Physical Health: Provide effective strategies to improve physical health and manage chronic symptoms more effectively.
Medicina Psicosomática - Nuestro servicio 3

Our Services

  • Individual Consultation: Personalized sessions to address the client’s specific issues.
  • Experiential Workshops: Practical experiences to live and transform family patterns.

Why Choose Psychosomatic Medicine at Instituto Antares?

At Instituto Antares in Palma de Mallorca, we are dedicated to human development on both individual and family levels. Our integrative approach combines different methods and fields of action to provide comprehensive and effective support to our clients.

Over 20 Years of Experience

International Presence

Available in Different Languages

Integrative Approach

Methodology of Psychosomatic Medicine at Instituto Antares

Preparation and Contextualization:

  • Initial Interview: We start with an initial interview session to understand the client’s health concerns, as well as their medical and emotional history. This session allows us to gather information on the psychological and social factors that may be influencing their physical health.
  • Defining the Issue: Together with the client, we define the issue or physical symptoms to be addressed in the treatment. This holistic approach can include chronic problems, recurring pains, sleep disorders, among others.

Assessment and Diagnosis:

  • Comprehensive Assessment: A comprehensive assessment that considers both the medical and psychological aspects of the problem. This assessment may include interviews, questionnaires, and medical tests, if necessary.
  • Analysis of Psychosocial Factors: We identify and analyze the psychosocial factors that may be contributing to the physical symptoms, such as stress, anxiety, past traumas, and interpersonal relationships.

Therapeutic Interventions:

  • Individual Therapy: Personalized sessions to address the emotional and psychological factors affecting the client’s physical health. These sessions may include techniques from cognitive-behavioral therapy, Gestalt therapy, among others.
  • Complementary Therapies: Use of complementary therapies, such as relaxation, meditation, and mindfulness, to reduce stress and improve the mind-body connection.
  • Medical Interventions: If necessary, medical interventions and conventional treatments can be integrated to address the physical symptoms more effectively.

Resolution and Closure:

  • Reconciliation and Release: Through various interventions, we aim to reconcile internal conflicts and release repressed emotions that may be affecting the client’s physical health.
  • Integration of the Experience: Finally, we help the client integrate new perceptions and understandings into their daily life, fostering positive and lasting change.

Benefits of Psychosomatic Medicine

  • Holistic Healing: Addresses both physical and emotional aspects of health, promoting holistic healing.
  • Stress Reduction: Helps reduce stress and anxiety, improving the client’s quality of life.
  • Self-Knowledge and Personal Growth: Encourages self-knowledge and personal growth by making psychological factors affecting physical health conscious.
  • Improvement of Physical Health: Provides effective strategies to improve physical health and manage chronic symptoms more effectively.

Do You Have Questions?
We Are Here to Help!

At Instituto Antares, we are committed to your well-being and personal development. We know you may have questions or concerns about our services, workshops, and methods. Don’t worry, we are here to answer all your questions!